01 November - 30 November
01 November - 30 November
09:00 h
1-6 persons
“Let’s go to the Míscaros” takes place, as a rule, on the first Sunday of November, in Barranha, parish of Eirado, municipality of Aguiar da Beira and aims to value the natural, material and immaterial heritage of the village, through traditional activities around the village. nature, gastronomy, endogenous products and social life.
The activity provides participants with the opportunity to collect miscaros with local collectors, a convivial lunch served with typical musk rice and other delicacies, a traditional magusto, musical entertainment and a market selling local products.
The initiative is part of the village's activity plan, which belongs to the Rede das Aldeias de Portugal and is organized by the Associação de Amigos da Escola da Barranha, with the support of ATA - Aldeias de Portugal, ADD - Associação de Desenvolvimento do Dão, from the Junta of the Parish of Eirado and the Municipality of Aguiar da Beira.
- Catching kit;
- Traditional lunch.
Yes (through the contacts indicated and by filling in the appropriate form published on social media)
Harvest - AAEB members: €8; General public: €10 (free for children under 12)
Lunch - AAEB members: €8; General public: €10 (free for children under 12)
November | 9 am to 6 pm
Duration 3 to 9 hours
Associação de Amigos da Escola da Barranha (AAEB)
9:00 am - Reception, awareness-raising on good harvesting practices, distribution of a harvesting kit, and departure to harvest míscaros with local collectors - departure from AAEB;
1:00 pm - Convivial lunch in the community oven: tortulhos soup, míscaros rice, wild boar and other seasonal delicacies;
2:30 pm - 5:00 pm - Local market and musical entertainment;
3:30 pm - Traditional Magusto
Escola Street, n. 8, 3570-140 Barranha
(+351) 963 996 675
01 November - 30 November
09:00 h
1-6 persons