Legend of the Lezíria Moorish Rock
As has been the case in many parts of the county, the Moor has never ceased to be a part of our imagination.
That's why it's no wonder that next to the remains of the old Lezíria castle there's a crag that people call ‘Penedo da Moura’ (Moorish Rock).
It is said that here lived a young and beautiful enchanted Moor, left behind by the Moor Al-Mançur, who spent his days weaving marvellous skeins of gold on his ivory loom.
One day, passing near the crag, a peasant spotted a beautiful field of wheat. In fact, it was the golden threads woven by the beautiful Moor, who also knew the art of camouflage and thus prevented her treasure from being stolen. Only this time, as the man found the wheat so beautiful, he couldn't resist the temptation and pocketed two handfuls.
Returning to the village, he stopped off at the tavern and, after a few good drinks, showed off his find. The men present were wide-eyed! On the table were pure gold nuggets!
Stunned, the peasant ran off in the direction of Penedo da Moura, but saw nothing more. In place of the field was a bald hill. Only one voice reached his ears, the voice of the beautiful maiden who never tired of repeating:
- You should have taken advantage of it, my country boy!
It is said that for a long time the man cursed his luck for being so ‘blind’.