Penedo das Merendas
Its almost circular appearance, thinner at the base than at the top, resembles a table. A shepherd, realizing that a kind of whimper was coming from its entrails, which he was unable to decipher, immediately went to warn the village chief of such a strange phenomenon, convincing him to go and check out what was going on.
The dignitary confirmed the information and deciphered its content. It said: Whoever turns me over will find great treasure! And immediately the people of the land were in an uproar, convinced that the ancient belief about the existence of a treasure hidden somewhere in the mountains since the time of the Moors was true! People and means capable of turning the rock over were gathered!
As soon as this happened, a new voice was heard: “You did well to turn me around because I couldn't be on the other side!” When the expectation of finding the treasure was dashed, the spiteful boulder became the victim of the fury of the deceived: they stoned it and, as a supreme punishment, humiliated it by eating their lunch on it. Legend has it that, since that distant day, there hasn't been a brave shepherd in the profession who hasn't climbed it to eat his lunch.