Penedo da Lenda da Pastora (Mum and sun)
According to legend, many centuries ago a shepherdess lived in Esmolfe, a girl who was never considered an adult because she suffered from mental disorders.
A young man of zero scruples and reprehensible principles seduced her and got her pregnant. The poor girl, out of ignorance or fear, concealed the criminal act. “She gave birth while guarding her flock in the mountains, on the plateau that serves as the ballast for the massif of Maria Angélica's crag. After giving birth, which went very well despite her being alone, the foolish shepherdess said to the baby: “If you want to stay, stay; if you want to come, come: when a lamb is born it also follows its mother!”
When she got home, the family, noticing her sudden 'weight loss', questioned her until she confessed. After a fruitless night of searching, they returned the next morning to find the child already lifeless and rigid, in a fetal position. On the plateau where the tragic event took place is a crag which, seen from a distance, gives the impression of a child lying on its back, head and feet raised, as if looking for a lap to hold it.
Access to this crag is on a dirt track.